Saturday, September 6, 2014

Descubre los beneficios de esta potente agua adelgazante (RECETA)

Existen algunos trucos que pueden ser muy beneficiosos a la hora de adelgazar con la ayuda del limón
Esta fruta cítrica tiene un sinfín de propiedades muy buenas para bajar de peso, desde antioxidantes hasta diuréticos para que eliminemos líquidos y nos deshinchemos.
Uno de estos trucos es beber agua tibia con limón, preferentemente en ayunas y con el estomago vacío.
Veremos cuales son las propiedades principales del agua tibia con limón para adelgazar que nos ayudarán a eliminar esos quilos que nos molestan.
Sus beneficios: 
1. Ayuda a la digestión
El jugo de limón ayuda a eliminar los materiales no deseados y las toxinas del cuerpo. Debido a su composición atómica similar a la saliva y el ácido clorhídrico de los jugos digestivos, alienta al hígado para producir la bilis, un ácido que se requiere para la digestión. Los limones también son ricos en minerales y vitaminas y ayudan a aflojar las toxinas en el tracto digestivo. Las cualidades digestivas del jugo de limón ayudan a aliviar los síntomas de indigestión, como el ardor de estómago, los eructos y la distensión abdominal.
2. Limpia tu sistema, es un diurético
El jugo de limón ayuda a eliminar los materiales no deseados en parte porque los limones aumentan la tasa de orinar en el cuerpo. Por lo tanto, al tomar jugo de limón las toxinas se liberan a un ritmo más rápido, lo que ayuda a mantener la salud del tracto urinario. El ácido cítrico de los limones ayuda a maximizar la función de la enzima, que estimula el hígado y ayuda a la desintoxicación.
3. Estimula el sistema inmunológico
Gracias a su cantidad de vitamina C, el limón es un gran aliado para fortalecer el sistema inmunológico.
Los limones son ricos en vitamina C, que es ideal para luchar contra los resfriados. Son ricos en potasio, lo que estimula el cerebro y la función nerviosa. El potasio también ayuda a controlar la presión arterial. El ácido ascórbico (vitamina C) que se encuentra en los limones posee efectos antiinflamatorios y se utiliza como apoyo complementario para el asma y otros síntomas respiratorios, además de que mejora la absorción de hierro en el cuerpo.
El hierro juega un papel importante en la función inmune. Los limones también contienen saponinas, que muestran propiedades antimicrobianas que pueden ayudar a mantener el frío y la gripe a raya. Los limones también ayudan a reducir la cantidad de flema producida por el cuerpo.
4. Equilibra los niveles del pH
Los limones son uno de los alimentos más alcalinizantes para el cuerpo. Claro, que son ácidos por su cuenta, pero dentro de nuestros cuerpos son alcalinos (el ácido cítrico no crea acidez en el cuerpo una vez metabolizado). Los limones contienen tanto ácido cítrico como ácido ascórbico, ácidos débiles fácilmente metabolizados en el cuerpo permitiendo que el contenido mineral de los limones ayude a alcalinizar la sangre.
Los estados de enfermedad solo se producen cuando el pH del cuerpo es ácido. Beber agua de limón con regularidad puede ayudar a eliminar la acidez total del cuerpo, incluyendo el ácido úrico en las articulaciones, que es una de las principales causas del dolor y la inflamación.
5. Limpia la piel
Además de limpiar la cara, el jugo de limón también es muy bueno para limpiar las manos y para la piel grasa.
El componente de la vitamina C, así como otros antioxidantes, ayudan a disminuir las arrugas y las manchas y ayuda a combatir los radicales libres.
La vitamina C es vital para una piel sana y radiante, ya que su naturaleza alcalina mata algunos tipos de bacterias conocidas por causar acné. En realidad, puede ser aplicado directamente a las cicatrices o manchas de la edad para ayudar a reducir su apariencia. Dado que el agua de limón depura las toxinas de la sangre, también puedes ayudar a mantener la piel clara de los defectos de adentro hacia afuera. La vitamina C contenida en el limón rejuvenece la piel desde el interior de tu cuerpo.
6. Te da energía y mejora tu estado de ánimo
La energía que un ser humano recibe de los alimentos proviene de los átomos y moléculas de los alimentos. Cuando los iones cargados de positivos de los alimentos entran en el tracto digestivo e interactúan con las enzimas cargadas de negativos se produce una reacción.
El limón es uno de los pocos alimentos que contienen iones con carga más negativa, proporcionando a tu cuerpo más energía cuando entra en el tracto digestivo. El aroma de limón también tiene propiedades energizantes y mejora el estado de ánimo. El olor del jugo de limón puede mejorar tu estado de ánimo y ayudar a despejar tu mente. El limón también puede ayudar a reducir la ansiedad y la depresión.
7. Promueve la curación de las heridas
El ácido ascórbico (vitamina C) que se encuentra en los limones, promueve la curación de heridas y es un nutriente esencial en el mantenimiento de la salud de los huesos, tejido conectivo y cartílago. Como se ha indicado previamente, la vitamina C también muestra propiedades antiinflamatorias. En conjunto, la vitamina C es un nutriente esencial en el mantenimiento de la buena salud y la recuperación del estrés y las lesiones.
8. Refresca el aliento
El limón, la menta o el yogur, grandes aliados para eliminar el mal aliento. Además de un aliento más fresco, los limones ayudan a aliviar el dolor dental y la gingivitis. Ten en cuenta que el ácido cítrico puede erosionar el esmalte dental, por lo que lo mejor es cepillarse los dientes antes de beber el agua de limón o esperar una cantidad significativa de tiempo para cepillarte los dientes después de tomarlo. Además, puedes enjuagar la boca con agua purificada después de terminar su agua de limón.
9. Hidrata tu sistema linfático
El agua tibia de limón ayuda al sistema inmunológico mediante la hidratación y la reposición de los fluidos perdidos en el cuerpo. Cuando tu cuerpo se ve privado de agua puedes sentir los efectos secundarios, que incluyen: sentirse cansado, lento, disminución de la función inmune, estreñimiento, falta de energía, presión arterial baja / alta, falta de sueño, la falta de claridad mental, etc.
10. Ayuda en la pérdida de peso
Las propiedades del limón para adelgazar son muy conocidas y valoradas. Es un excelente desintoxicante, y desinflamarte y contiene grandes cantidades de vitamina C con propiedades antioxidantes.
Los limones son ricos en fibra pectina, que ayuda a combatir los antojos. Los estudios han demostrado que las personas que mantienen una dieta más alcalina, tienden a perder peso más rápido.
¿Cómo prepararla?
Es sencillo, lo que debes hacer todas las mañanas es llenar un vaso con agua tibia, no caliente. Luego vas a ponerle el jugo de un limón entero. Si deseas puedes agregarle edulcorante, pero procura agregarle cada vez menos, hasta que te sientas cómoda sin agregarle ese dulzor.
Todas las mañanas bebe esta mezcla y en poco tiempo obtendrás resultados.
Durante el día si lo deseas puedes tomar una o dos tazas mas.

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

My 10 tips for setting realistic health & fitness goals

1. Start small and keep the bigger picture in mind. If you want to lose a significant amount of weight, tackle it bit by bit; 5 or 10 pounds at a time.
2. Reframe your goal as journey or experience, not a trying task. Instead of “I need to lose 20 pounds before my cousin’s wedding,” say “I commit to working out 4 times per week from now until then”. Once you accomplish the latter AND find you have also lost the 20 pounds, it’s like double the sense of accomplishment!
3. Plan for how you will measure success. This depends entirely on your goal, but from the outset decide your method and frequency for tracking your progress. Perhaps you will weigh yourself once every two weeks, measure your bust, hips and waist every six weeks, or take a full-body selfie once a month; regardless of how or how often. This is important because it punctuates your journey and gives you milestones to look forward to and work toward. An extra slice of pizza during your cheat meal? Probably not, with a weigh in coming in three days!
4. Realize your goal requires you to make new choices every day. Keep making these positive choices that move you closer to your goal until it becomes habit. Ten times repeated = a habit.
5. You’ve made the amazing decision to make a change, now keep yourself focused, determined and strong by zeroing in on ideas like “growth,” “progress,” and “I can” – negative thoughts and a self-critical tone will not serve you.
6. Make yourself your own icon. Everyone needs a little inspiration, but aspiring for a tighter, rounder, better version of your butt instead of chasing Beyonce’s butt, means there is no way you can be disappointed.
7. Don’t expect anyone other than yourself to shake things up – it is your responsibility to keep your workouts and meals interesting!
8. If you hit a setback or obstacle, don’t let it bog you down. Acknowledge it and move forward.
9. Identify your barriers to success and develop a plan. Is the candy in your desk drawer calling out to you? Trash it! Are you noticing you have one too many glasses of wine when you go out with a certain friend? Rain cheque!
10. Remember, good things take time! Set a reasonable deadline to achieve your goal.
What new health and fitness goals are on your horizon? What can I offer to support you? Recipes, workouts, tips? Tell me what you need to succeed in the comments below.

Monday, December 30, 2013

Make Your New Year's Resolution Stick!

Want to lose weight? Get a promotion? Take over the world? Here's how to make sure your New Year's resolution becomes a reality.
First, the bad news: The odds are stacked against you. A few years ago, psychologist Richard Wiseman conducted a study of 3,000 people who had set New Year's resolutions for themselves. At the end of the year, a measly 12% had actually achieved their goals.1 But don't let those bleak stats kill your mojo—there are a few easy ways to make your goals more attainable, so you'll be toasting your success next December.

Plan ahead.
It's 11:59 PM on December 31st—do you know what your resolution is? For the best chance of success, set your goals long before you want to start them. Wiseman says that reflecting on your goals a few days before the New Year will make you more likely to choose a meaningful resolution2—which, of course, will make you more motivated to work for it. Still haven't set a goal? That's okay. Make one now and set yourself a start date a few days from now.
Shout it from the rooftops . . .
. . . or at least share it online. According to Wiseman's research, women were more likely to succeed if they told their friends and family about their goals.3 After all, you wouldn't want to fail in front of a few hundred of your closest friends, colleagues, and high school exes—would you? Make your resolution Facebook® official, tweet about it, or post a "before" photo on Instagram®. Accountability is your friend.
Once you've decided on your Big Important Goal, come up with a few smaller objectives that can help you get there. If you resolve to lose weight, commit to doing your INSANITY® workout every day. Or hire a personal trainer and buy sessions in bulk. Or take a two-mile hike every weekend. "Intention is very different than action," says Daniel C. Stettner, Ph.D., director of Psychology at UnaSource Health Center in Troy, MI, and an adjunct professor at Wayne State University in Detroit. "People have to come up with tactics and strategies. Otherwise, it's like driving to a destination without directions—you're not going to be successful."
Think positive . . . but not too positive.
 Notebook with New Year Resolutions on themIf you paid attention in English class, you might remember "doublethink" from Orwell's 1984—the ability to accept two opposing beliefs as truth. In this case, you need to accept that you can succeed and that you can fail. In his book, 59 Seconds: Think a Little, Change a Lot, Wiseman points to research by psychologist Gabriele Oettingen, who found that imagining success kept people motivated, while imagining failure helped them form "avoidance goals."4 In other words, it's okay to fantasize about firing your annoying cube mate when you become manager—but also devise a Plan B in case you get passed over for this round of promotions.
Know thy enemy.
Willpower is overrated. According to a recent study in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, people were more likely to be successful if they avoided temptation altogether rather than expecting superhuman self-control to kick in.5 So figure out what changes you can make to sidestep your biggest roadblocks—can you take a different route to work that doesn't pass a bagel shop? Can you block Facebook on your computer to free up more time for new projects? Can you switch from your usual hangout to a non-smoking bar? A few small lifestyle changes can prevent big pitfalls.
Reward yourself.
We all love instant gratification. So when you're pursuing a long-term goal like weight loss or digging out of debt, short-term rewards will help you power through. Just make sure the rewards jibe with the ultimate goal—don't reward a week of workouts by eating an entire chocolate cake. If you're trying to slim down, for example, Dr. Stettner suggests buying a new outfit you can't squeeze into (yet!) or working out with a friend so the reward is built-in.
Don't let setbacks derail you.
Spoiler alert: You're human, so you're going to screw up. Don't let it discourage you, and don't use it as an excuse to let the rest of the day (or weekend, or month) go down the tubes. "There are going to be lapses, but a lapse doesn't have to be a collapse or a relapse," Dr. Stettner says. "Seek persistence rather than the dirty P-word, perfection. Don't think, 'I went off the plan today, so I'll start over tomorrow.' Salvage it. Save the day."

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

10 Popular Diet Tips to Ignore

BAD ADVICE: Choose fat-free or sugar-free foods
BETTER ADVICE: Don't believe the hype. "They usually use fat and sodium to replace sugar, and sugar to replace fat—or chemicals to replace both," says Denis Faye, Beachbody's nutrition expert. And Rania Batayneh, MPH, a nutritionist and author of the upcoming book, The 1:1:1 Diet, adds, "Removing fat from a food makes it less satiating, so you ultimately may end up eating more." Stick with the original versions, and watch your portions or better yet, eat more unprocessed foods.
BAD ADVICE: No cheating ever!
BETTER ADVICE: Relax your diet rules, and you'll be more likely to stick it out long-term. "If 80% of your diet is tight, then 20% can be a party," Faye says. "It keeps you from getting stressed—and stress is a huge obstacle in weight loss." Just plan your splurges ahead of time so you're not giving in to every temptation that crosses your plate.
BAD ADVICE: Stop snacking.
BETTER ADVICE: Choose snacks that offer a balance of protein, fiber, and healthy fats—like apples with peanut butter, or carrots with hummus. "A healthy snack can help maintain steady blood sugar levels, which keeps your appetite in check and your energy stable," Batayneh says. Skipping a snack can cause your blood sugar to dip, leaving you moody and famished—and more likely to overeat at mealtime.
BAD ADVICE: Don't eat fruit—it's full of sugar.
 Man Eating GrapesBETTER ADVICE: Let fruit satisfy your sweet tooth. "Yes, fresh produce is full of sugar and carbs," Faye says. "But sugar itself is not the enemy. Fruit is packed with vitamins, minerals, and phytochemicals; it's also rich in fiber, which slows the absorption of sugar. I've never met a human being who got fat because of bananas." When you're craving sugar, there's no debate that a handful of grapes is healthier than a hot fudge sundae.
BAD ADVICE: If it's organic, it's good for you.
BETTER ADVICE: According to the USDA, organic food is produced without antibiotics, growth hormones, conventional pesticides, and synthetic ingredients.1 The problem is that many people assume organic foods are all low in calories, too, which isn't necessarily true. Don't get us wrong—we'd rather eat food that doesn't resemble a science experiment. But, Faye cautions, "You need to use common sense. If it's bad for you with conventional ingredients, it's still bad for you when it's organic." A cookie is a cookie, no matter how all-natural it is.
BAD ADVICE: Calories in, calories out—it doesn't matter what you eat.
 Salad with CakeBETTER ADVICE: What you're eating matters. Compare a 100-calorie candy bar to 100 calories of avocado—the latter is packed with nutrients and has healthy fats and fiber to keep you full. Or compare 50 calories of spinach (about seven cups) to 50 calories of ice cream (about two tablespoons). To feel full when you're cutting calories, look for foods loaded with water and fiber, like veggies or broth-based soups. Plus, "Hormones have a huge impact on our health. Junk food can trigger bad hormonal responses that, over time, can lead to all kinds of problems, including weight gain," Faye says. Occasionally, someone will pop up in the news claiming they lost a ton of weight while eating nothing but Subway®, Starbucks®, or Snickers® bars—but don't put too much stock in those success stories. "When you go that route, you're not educating yourself," Faye says. "It's like the teach-a-man-to-fish adage. If you give someone a gimmicky diet, they might lose weight for now; but provide them with knowledge, and they can be healthy for life."
BAD ADVICE: Try XYZ Extreme Diet—it works for everyone!
BETTER ADVICE: Find a plan that works for you. Gender, age, genetics, metabolism, and lifestyle can all play a role in weight loss—so even if a fad diet has worked for others, that doesn't mean you'll get the same results. "There's no single diet that works for everyone; our biochemical needs are different," Faye says. Talk to a dietitian or nutrition consultant to find a long-term eating strategy that is tailor-fit to you.
BAD ADVICE: When in doubt, order the salad.
BETTER ADVICE: Choose your greens wisely. Leafy greens and vegetables may be virtuous, but not if they're slathered in creamy dressing and topped with bacon, candied nuts, croutons, deli meats, or cheese. "Fatty fixings can add hundreds of calories to your meal, and sometimes contain more calories than that juicy burger!" Batayneh says. Salad can be a healthy choice, but order dressing on the side and limit the add-ons.
BAD ADVICE: Don't exercise—it'll only make you hungrier.
 Woman Working OutBETTER ADVICE: Get moving—an hour-long workout isn't going to make you suck down calories like Michael Phelps. "Exercise isn't just for losing weight—it improves your cardiovascular health and strengthens your bones," Faye says. You might feel hungrier while recovering from a grueling workout, but that doesn't mean you're going to pack on pounds. "As long as you're eating clean, your body is amazing at self-regulating," Faye adds. "It should crave the calories you need to fuel your workouts, not to get fat."
BAD ADVICE: Treat yourself for a job well done!
BETTER ADVICE: Rethink your reward system. After an intense workout, you may feel like you've earned a cocktail or cupcake. But splurging after every workout can quickly undo all your hard work. If you've been good all week, go ahead and grab a guilt-free beer on Friday. But, Faye says, "Don't let every workout become a Pavlovian thing where you need to eat cake afterwards." After all, the best reward for a killer workout is getting one step closer to the body you want.

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

The Top 12 Truths about Losing Weight

1. You can't just say you want to lose weight, you have to get on a scale, get that number, subtract the number you want to get rid of, and make that your goal, and set a date.
2. You have to go to your kitchen and overhaul everything that does not support that final number above. This includes limiting some friendships that may not understand your path.
3. You have to find a workout that you WILL do, not one you will dissect and tear apart and then say it doesn't work. The one that works, is the one you will do. 
4. You will have to follow a nutrition plan that will likely be different from what you have been doing. It will take discipline, effort and courage. It will take adjusting and you will have some withdrawal moments.
5. There will be massively hard days. Regroup, focus on your goal number and fight through it; you will get stronger.
6. There will be emotional days. Anger, frustration, hurt, tiredness.... Workout through those. Your future energy will pay you back tenfold, and make those future emotional days a little easier.
7. There will be days you want to completely give up. Don't. It's not worth it. And you wouldn't be restarting over now, if you didn't last time.
8. There will be days that you'll look at really fit people and get mad you're not there yet. That's okay, they do it to.
9. There will be days you want crap food, drive thru food, sugar, chips, and adult beverages, YOU are NO DIFFERENT than anyone else getting fit, they want it too.
10. There will be days you look in the mirror and see no change, keep going. Someone will compliment you when you least expect it.
11. There will be days you wonder why you gave up your favorite things for this healthy life.
12. Then... there will be a day, when your favorite things will be working out, eating healthy, wanting less junk, buying smaller clothes, and being happy for no reason at all.
Health recovery takes time, but in the end you will thank and love yourself a million times over.
I speak from tons of personal experience...

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Cellulite - How to beat it!

We all hate it - so how do we get rid of it?!Firstly we need to understand what it is. Cellulite isn't just caused by excess fat... cellulite is also caused trapped toxins, poor circulation and a lack of strong healthy blood to carry toxins out of the bloodstream (to then be excreted by the body).Have you ever seen slim girls with cellulite and wondered how on earth THEY have cellulite when they don't have an inch of fat on them?! It's often an indication of an unhealthy lifestyle and/or diet.

In a nutshell, cellulite can be reduced and often cleared by:
1. Reducing weight
2. Changing foods you consume
3. Strengthening blood and circulation

You have to be willing to work with your body to kick cellulite out. You can't expect it to vanish by itself whilst still drinking diet coke! We've created a list of foods to avoid, that will all contribute to cellulite production.

Foods to avoid


* sugars 
* raw fruit (strewed is ok)
* cold water
* energy drinks
* alcohol
* smoking
* fruit drinks
* high chemical foods such as "sugar free, fat free" etc etc 
* chocolates & lollies
* cakes
* carbonated drinks
* peppermint tea
* fried foods
* coffee
* salt
* ice-creams & flavoured milk
* pain killers such as Panadol and Neurofen

Foods to increase


* green leafy vegetables (cooked)
* cooked beetroot (for blood)
* hot water and lemon once a day (squeeze whole lemon in hot water)
* green tea extract
* red meat
* porridge
* cinnamon 
* cardamon
* juniper and rosemary oils for massage
* pepper
* Vitamin A

Exercise = your BEST friend!

This is integral aspect of increasing blood flow to eliminate toxins. You don't need to slog it out at the gym though. Try a brisk 3-4km walk each day accompanied with some weight baring exercises (also vital)... such as push ups, sit ups, lunges and squats. You don't need to go and spend money on a gym membership to kick cellulite to the curb.

Top 10 factors that can upset your digestive system

Our bodies are complex units. Everything is interlinked and your body demands harmony from all of its organs.
A number of internal and external factors can upset our organs and digestive system as a whole – here are the top 10 factors to try and control/reduce exposure to:

  1. sugar – it is heating, sticky and toxic to the body in big doses
  2. lack of sleep – your body needs adequate rest to rejuvenate all organs so they can perform their intended roles
  3. over-eating – this can send your body into shutdown mode and put excess stress on your organs
  4. alcohol – both poisonous and toxic to the body, too much alcohol damages the body internally which is evident externally
  5. cold food and drinks – can create stagnation in the digestive system, slowing down the digestive process considerably
  6. emotions – anger/upset/frustration – all will affect one or more of your organs. Try and control what you can and let go of what you can’t
  7. processed foods – they contain foreign properties that are literally indigestible by the human body
  8. pandadol/nuerofen – contain chemicals that will alleviate pains and complaints temporarily, yet will leave a trail of destruction. Try natural remedies instead
  9. anti-biotics – whilst they kill bacteria and bugs – they also kill your insides! Follow up a round of anti-biotics with some gut nourishing foods
  10. Over-exercise – will deplete your Qi and deplete your digestive strength. Exercise is fantastic in decent doses – not extremes. Are there issues in your life that you are avoiding and using exercise as a distraction from?

Take the time to get to know your body and figure out what works for YOU!

The true benefits of coconut water

What are the benefits of coconut water? Holistic health coach, Alyse Cocliff founder of "An Apple a Day" - gives us the low down on the actual benefits of the renowned drink!

"Working with athletes, I'm constantly looking for natural ways to help the body rehydrate and/or recover after intense training sessions and competitions. One product that I highly recommend is coconut water and here is why:

- It contains no artificial colours, flavours or preservatives and is 100% natural.
- Coconut water is packed with essential electrolytes (calcium, magnesium, sodium and potassium) to help our bodies re-hydrate efficiently and effectively post work-out/training & even hot yoga.
- It contains bio active enzymes that help digestion and promotes healthy thyroid function.
- Coconut water is a great source of B-complex vitamins such as riboflavin, niacin, thiamin and folates that are critical to the healthy function of the body's nervous system, muscles, vital organs and metabolism.
- Research suggest that cytokins in coconut water showed significant anti-ageing and anti-carcinogenic effects.
- It tastes DELICIOUS!

For those completing intense training, I recommend adding a pinch of Celtic sea-salt to increase the level of NATURAL sodium to match those of artificial sports-drinks.

Be careful if you purchase packaged brands of coconut water as some products are inferior to others. When clients can't get their hands on a fresh coconut, I encourage them to enjoy Nakula Organic coconut water.

For weight management, Coconut water shld be used as a booster 150ml-250ml after a tough exercise session. Coconut water is safe for children and a great addition to a breakfast smoothie, or simply straight from the source"

Sunday, September 29, 2013

How does eating clean help your body?

What you eat really does have an effect on how you feel. Eating whole foods and avoiding junk food — a clean eating lifestyle — can keep you healthy or help you regain your health if you haven’t been well. Follow these precepts and you will have a better chance at living an active life:
  • It’s easier to maintain a healthy weight, which reduces the risk of several diseases.
  • Eating a good variety of foods ensures you get adequate amounts of most essential nutrients.
  • Relying on whole foods is the best way to get a good combination of micronutrients.
  • Whole foods keep you satisfied longer so you’re less tempted by junk foods.
  • Foods high in micronutrients can help reduce cholesterol levels and regulate blood sugar.
  • There are some nutrients we haven’t yet identified that are present in whole foods but not in supplements.
  • Whole foods help keep your digestive system regular.
  • Eating a healthy diet makes you stronger so you can stay more active.
  • Avoiding artificial ingredients keeps your cells strong so your body systems work efficiently.
  • If you feel good, you’re more likely to take care of yourself in other ways.

The basics of eating clean are all over the internet.  And in books.  Also, eating clean isn’t just about eating.  It’s about making the right choices for your body.  Putting the food in it that it has been made to process.  Our bodies have evolved to process food so efficiently, but unfortunately the food industry/business has totally screwed us over by manipulating us into thinking that we need food to be fast, and convenient.  And that has made us lazy.  I think if we were able to migrate to a cleaner eating society we could change our children’s future.  Sadly we are setting our kids up to fail by encouraging that fast, junk-food eating, über convenient style of eating.
I highly recommend looking into clean eating, and trying one clean meal per day.